Due to my new 40-hour-a-week job, I have to put the comic on hold for a while.
Is this the end of my comics and illustrations?
Definitely not.
What I will be doing is evaluating how to effectively manage the comic and look at how I might evolve it.
Currently this means halting the current comic and moving on to a more story driven experience that I have in the works.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
New Super Luigi U: Where's Mario?
I read an interesting theory regarding the New Super Luigi U DLC: maybe Mario is dead. That could be a possibility. Mario is virtually wiped from this version of the game.
That leaves the question of how he moved on to the life beyond.
Regardless, I'm sure Luigi is glad to have some time in the spotlight.
I got the chance to demo the game at E3. The timer starts at the 100 count for every level, levels are shorter and they have be reworked to fit Luigi's physics. Veteran Mario players are aware that Luigi is a little more slippery and floats more than his more stout brother.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The Last of Us: Shiv Master?
My mind has been recently immersed in the world of The Last of Us. It's desolate and, if it wasn't for the constant companions, lonely.
Crafting items is done in real time so it's best to prepare an arsenal before opening that door. Choices must be made as there is rarely enough resources to craft everything that's desired. Molotov cocktails and first aid kits share the same ingredients, so you're often choosing between the two.
Is it worth healing to leave yourself defenseless when the clickers come or will a molotov be useless when you get swarmed by runners?
It's a simple choice really, but each choice makes you approach each situation differently which is the magic of the game.
The one thing that is definitive: Shivs are the most important piece of equipment you can craft. They can open locked doors, allow you to perform stealth kills and, after upgrading a specific stat, can help fend off attacking clickers.
first aid,
naughty dog,
the last of us
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Man of Steel Doesn't Think Much
The biggest issue I had with the Man of Steel is captured in the image above.
Zod's ship was terraforming Metropolis, that's where most of the initial damage was coming from.
When Superman arrives, he doesn't show much concern for the city other than Lois Lane. If he took two seconds to think he could have figured, "hey, the city is in pretty bad shape. If I'm going to fight, maybe I should take it to a remote location."
Even after hitting a satellite, both Kal and Zod manage to bring the fight back to Metropolis.
Seriously Supes, think a little about what you're doing. Just because you can drag someone's face across a building doesn't mean that you should.
I enjoyed the movie for its action and effects, but much of it was impractical and unbelievable, even for a super hero movie. Lois Lane just happens to be at the same building when Zod's spine is snapped, that's just a little too perfect.
kal el,
man of steel,
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Super Smash Bros: Mega Man vs. Samus Aran
Mega Man! He's the big news from E3. Check out the announcement trailer below:
The Blue Bomber is officially added to the Super Smash Bros roster for the upcoming WiiU and 3DS games set for release next year.
It's time to see who has the better charge shot: Mega Man or Samus Aran.
The above comic is more like my tribute to the news. I still felt it needed some tweaking, but with all drawings, sometimes the artist just needs to stop. I'm glad with how it came out.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Super Mario 3D World: Cat Suits
Do you like the Tanooki suit? Well too bad, Super Mario 3D World gives you a cat suit. You'll now have all the abilities of the everyday house-cat.
I was able to play the game at E3, but I didn't get the chance to use the cat suit in all its glory. I took the reps advice and picked a level that was more traditional Mario.
Here's a video of me playing the game (I'm only playing in the first level shown):
The cat suit is likely more fun than it sounds, but the game itself is pretty great. The cool thing is that it supports up to four players, which can get pretty hectic if you all don't work together.
I was really pleased with the Nintendo booth at E3 and I enjoyed all the games I was able to play. My opinion of the console is now in the black zone (econ reference) and I'm likely going to pick up the WiiU when I can. The addition of Mega Man to the new Smash Bros game was also a huge selling point.
cat suit,
super mario,
super mario 3d world,
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
E3: Sony Shows Up Microsoft
I haven't been this excited around E3 in a while. Sony knocked it out of the park this year. Virtually everything they could have done to beat Microsoft, they did.
The ability to play used games by just inserting the disc.
Cheaper price point by $100.
For a gamer, that's a no-brainer. Sony clearly catered more to gamers than Microsoft did. Sure, there aren't as many exclusives, but most of Microsoft's exclusives were laden with shooters.
Nintendo is also showing a lot in terms of games. The big kicker for me is the addition of MegaMan in the new Super Smash Bros games.
It's a big week in gaming and the plan is to reflect and comment on all this news in upcoming comic strips.
I also have another project in the work with a friend of mine. We should have some stuff to show my the end of the month.
electronic entertainment expo,
used games,
xbox one
Friday, June 7, 2013
Pokemon: Sent Some Money Home
I've been playing Pokemon Gold on my phone. After every battle, my character sends a little money home.
Eventually I get a call, saying that mom bought something and deposited it in the inbox. The lady is home all day, no husband, she must be doing something to stay busy. Plus she has this money coming in. I'm sure a some of it goes toward 'personal' items.
This is the heaviest comic in terms of text. Boxing and lettering is still an art I need to practice. I'm pretty happy with the way this came out, but it did take a bit longer than my other strips.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Strip Search: Religion and Candy Comic
I wish I started doing the Strip Search at home challenges a lot earlier. They're a lot of fun and challenging at the same time.
Here is Tuesday's elimination episode for those that want to watch:
The topics for this episode are religion and candy. I was raised Christian, so I used what I know and figured Easter fit in nicely.
Peter is one of the 12 Apostles, so I did a little play on the name by mixing in Peter Cottontail.
This one was tough to come up with but the comic came out looking rather nice I think.
Friday, May 31, 2013
A Hard Day's Work in the Mushroom Kingdom
Toadstools are pretty useless, considering they're supposed to be Princess Peach's guards. To be fair, they don't have any kind of weapons or defenses that they can use.
Still, if not for their carelessness, we wouldn't have many Mario games. It'd be nice though if Toad did more than say "Your princess is in another castle." How is it that Toad is always at the end of those castles?
What has he been doing while Mario is out jumping and cleaning pipes? It's some kind of conspiracy, like a deal that he's made with Bowser or something.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Xbox One: A Space Odyssey
If you haven't heard, the Xbox One is always on.
People just have to say, "Xbox, on" and the system turns itself on.
That means that the system has to be listening all the time and the Kinect has to be connected in order for the system to work. It's easy to draw some parallels from other forms of media.
How all this will pan out has yet to be seen. Microsoft's Kinect is no longer just a sensor, soon it will be able to watch and listen to you. That's some creepy stuff.
In the meantime, we'll just make fun of it and wait to see what actually happens.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Strip Search: Cats and Cars Comic
Today's comic is a little bit special.
For the past several weeks I've been watching Strip Search, an online reality show that attempts to find the next great web comic. It's run by the guys over at Penny Arcade.
Well, for every elimination, the creators have the two contestants make a comic with two random themes and they have 90 minutes to do so.
Today's themes were cars and cats. Here is the episode if you'd like to check it out:
New episodes are up every Tuesday and Friday, the same days I update my comics.
Anyways, the above is my at-home challenge piece. I used vector masks for this particular comic; it's a new technique that I just learned about.
strip search,
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Xbox One: Reaction
Microsoft finally unveiled their new Xbox One early on Tuesday.
If you want to take a look at the event, I'd recommend clicking here.
The most important thing Microsoft addressed was the issue of the next Xbox being rumored to be always online.
That is false!
The system doesn't have to be connected to the internet for people to play games, but the option to always have the Xbox One always connected still exists.
The other big thing is that each system comes bundled with a Kinect 2.0 inside the box. Some of the new features look pretty cool. For instance, the Kinect 2.0 can recognize depth and rotation so making a grabbing motion with your hands is recognizable and shown as a feature for returning to the home screen.
Lag was a big issue addressed, and from the stage demo, switching between live TV input, internet, games and/or movies is as simple as just telling the Xbox to do so. It all looked seamless. Plus there is a picture-in-picture type feature so you can watch a movie and surf the web, though it looks like you need another device (smartphone or tablet) to do so.
Perhaps the biggest news was the announcement of a live action Halo TV series that is going to be directed by Steven Spielberg.
Yes, Steven Spielberg!
That man is amazing and should be able to turn the world of Halo into a compelling TV series.
Not much was shown in terms of actual games. There will be a new Madden, FIFA, UFC and NBA game all by EA Sports. They also teased the new Call of Duty: Ghosts by Infinity and a new Remedy (makers of Max Payne and Alan Wake) game called Quantum Break (though not much footage of the actual game is shown in the trailer). Gamers will have to wait until E3 for more game announcements, but Microsoft did promise a lot of exclusivity. Whether this is in terms of games, DLC or early releases has yet to be seen.
Friday, May 17, 2013
I was talking about tennis lately and it got me all pumped up to go out and play a few sets. The weather is fantastic, so once I get over this cold I'll definitely get back out there.
It's pretty crazy how far video games have come since they started with the Odyssey and Atari. Pong was basically the translation of a tennis (table or court) match onto the TV while not exerting much physical effort.
Now we Virtua Tennis and Mario Tennis and other iterations. I guess those games got me interested to eventually pick up a paddle and racquet. Sports are great and I've picked them up fairly quickly and have gotten quite good at each of the games.
I don't think I ever played Pong with the old Atari controllers, so I'm adding that to my video game bucket list.
ping pong,
table tennis,
tennis ball
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Street Fighter: Shoryuken
Street Fighter is great. I heard this joke from a friend and felt that it needed some images with it.
Some good news this week is that the fifth installment in the Ace Attorney games will be coming stateside to the 3DS via Nintendo's virtual e-store. I still do not own a 3DS, which is starting to become a problem...I'll try to fix that soon.
The Fuse demo is out as well. I downloaded it on XBox. The Insomniac game seems fun enough. The draw for me is it's special weapons and co-op game play. My problem is that I don't have people to play it with and I feel I have enough shooters. The demo is fun though and I highly recommend giving it a go.
Big news for next week is the unveiling of Microsoft's new system. I'm keeping my trackers on that since it's definitely something I'll pick up (sorry Sony, I'm already invested in my gamertag).
Friday, May 10, 2013
Angry Birds
The mobile game that took the world by storm. There are so many spin-offs of this game now: Seasons, Rio, Friends, Space, Star Wars. This game even has board games now.
Sure, it's fun, but we're on Angry Birds overload.
We were given some insight into the world of the pigs with the Bad Piggies game. You'd think that the pigs would wise up and just start messing with the birds. Why not just disguise the eggs as pigs? Maybe that would just make angrier birds, but it would be worth a shot.
angry birds,
bad piggies,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Mega Man: The Toddler Years
Yeah, so Mega Man as a baby. Dr. Light must have had some serious baby-proofing technology.
I'm crossing timelines with classic and the X series, but those upgrade machines had to be tested at some point.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
May The Fourth Be With You
Happy Free Comic Book Day everybody! Lucky for you all my stuff is "free."
No comic today though since it's my off day and I don't have a comic book. Hopefully soon though. I've been working on some characters.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Iron Man
Iron Man 3 is out today (Friday). Being the Marvel fanboy I am, of course I went to the midnight screening. It was only fitting that today's comic be based on that invincible piece of metal.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and might go so far as to say it is the best of the three so far since it really stands on its own and depicts Tony Stark as a lot more vulnerable. Sure there are always those typical movie plot holes, but you don't realize it too much when you're watching.
There is a charming twist in the movie that I wasn't expecting. I'll just say that Ben Kingsley's character is my favorite in the movie.
Today's joke also pays homage to one of my favorite SNL skits with Will Ferrell, Christopher Walken and Blue Oyster Cult.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Yoshi's Island
I know we've all thought of it. What's exactly in those eggs that they're able to hop around. We all know what kinds of eggs that Yoshis hatch from, and those are the eggs.
Needless to say, their effectiveness would increase tenfold with a fetus inside each one. Nobody wants a Yoshi fetus on them...NOBODY!!!
I've only ever played the GBA version of the game, and it's pretty enjoyable. There's different kinds of eggs to throw, Yoshi transforms into a helicopter and submarine, the levels are fun, there's a lot to like about the game.
Maybe because the eggs in the game aren't produced sexually that this doesn't happen. But I thought all Yoshis were female?
I don't know how Nintendo will ever explain it. Oh well.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Dead Rising
I was long overdue for a zombie comic. Why not start with the best zombie game out there, Dead Rising.
Sure, shooting zombies is cool, so is hitting them with a frying pan or baseball bat. What's better though is judo throwing them or disemboweling them or slapping servebot masks on several of them and taking a choice photo.
The antics of Frank West were not to be scoffed at and one can only imagine how his special skill set my transfer into his career.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Fez Coming to Steam
Fez is a great game on the Xbox Live Arcade, albeit it does have a few technical issues, one of them being a very big one.
This might just be an XBLA issue especially because of the cost of releasing additional patches beyond the first 'free' one allowed by Microsoft.
The news is a bit old, but I just learned that the Fez will be coming to Steam. This should make patches easier and those in-game glyphs can be translated now with a quick Google search.
Without giving away any spoilers to the game, there a few items you acquire in addition to the reality shifting fez. Why not add different hats to the mix? It could be amusing. Above are just a few ideas.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Settlers of Catan.
Definitely my favorite board game. It'd be dumb if I limited myself to just video games. Table top games are always a blast and you can play them almost anywhere.
For my people that have played the game, you know how deadly sevens can be. For some reason I always find myself rolling them right when I'm ready for a big move. What's worse is when you're holding just over seven cards; this tends to happen more often when inebriated, but sober me has been known to make this mistake.
Recently I played the six player expansion. It's great to let more people play, but the pace feels a lot faster since everyone is able to build every turn on the extra building phases. Patience is a must with the expansion.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Trials Bail Finish
Trials: I never played HD but I did by Evolution and all its DLC. The game is a good time and a great way to burn a few minutes if you're waiting for something.
If you ever play multiplayer on Trials, ALWAYS TURN ON BAIL FINISH. It's the best way to win a race and it could just blast you past the competition...or straight into the ground.
The big news is that Injustice: Gods Among Us came out today. My comic for this amazing game can be viewed here.
A buddy and I stayed up seven hours to finish the campaign and play some multiplayer. Now it's no MVC3, but it's definitely an awesome fighting game that will get a lot of my attention, especially when the DLC characters come out.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Pokemon BBQ
So I had some writer's block before coming up with the comic.
The remedy?
YouTube and video game websites.
Egoraptor just uploaded a new PokeAwesome recently, so I found so inspiration from that. There's so many Pokemon that there has obviously got to be some more practical reason to use their unique abilities.
I almost doubled the line width in this comic, and I'm quite pleased with the results. The images stand out a lot more than before, and it's easier to edit lines when they're thicker.
The last panel might have to go on a shirt one day.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Injustice: Get Over Here!
Go play the Injustice: Gods Among Us demo. The demo is pretty sweet. It's no MVC3 but the game is pretty solid and a nice change of pace from the over the top Capcom Versus series.
Batman should basically be Scorpion since he has his grapnel gun, except it doesn't work quite the same as Scorpion's hook. Instead, Batman grapple the opponent and lunges toward them much like he does with a ledge. When he grabs an airborne opponent, then he slams them on the ground.
Now as for this comic, I kept it simple: no shading, easy line and small color pallet. It took about just under two hours from conception to final product.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Addiction Problems
Games weren't so innocent as they seemed.
Mario was eating shrooms, Pac Man has a pill problem and Sonic...well Sonic just can't get enough rings.
I'm trying to practice simplifying the coloring, but it's starting to look a little lazy; this comic only took about two hours from start to finish which is pretty good.
There hasn't been much text lately, but that's something I'm looking to change.
Time to get started on the next comic, but sleep first.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
This comic is not about gaming.
So what?
Truth is I had to finish this comic super early because I was in Vegas this past weekend.
If you noticed that this and the previous comic were of simpler style, it's because I had to rush a bit to make sure I had something to post on both days. (I would hate to lose schedule, so I practiced toning back a lot).
This idea originated from high school from one of my friends. It's still one of my favorite phrases to this day.
I'll get back to the games on Friday.
Some future plans:
- Create my own characters and story for a comic arc
- Begin filming YouTube videos with my new webcam. I'll be focusing on gaming making timely videos of upcoming releases and significant developments in the gaming industry.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Mine Craft: CDs
Minecraft it is.
This was the one of the easier comics to make. Thank you shape tools.
When I finally figured out how to get CDs in the game, I was pretty happy. I'm too lazy to make a farming system in the game, so getting my only CD took a bit of effort.
Not much else to say.
I picked up BioShock Infinite on Wednesday. The game is awesome. I'm several hours in. Just got shock jockey in the game (the electric vigor) I don't think that spoils the game too much, unless vigors were a surprise and you wanted to be surprised, in which case, too bad for reading this.
I'll start flexing my author muscles and get a review of the game written once I have more time invested in the game.
Monday, March 25, 2013
BioShock Infinite: Failed Vigors
BioShock Infinite is finally out this Tuesday. The first BioShock was great, and it's great to hear that Ken Levine and his team over at Irrational games have made another Game of the Year contender.
Plasmids are a thing of the past (alternate reality is probably more accurate) and now we have Vigor, which is powered by salts.
There's a total of eight vigors that you acquire in the game and each can be leveled as well as using a certain number of charges which is determined by how much Salt you carry. These levels are indicated by a little blue bar on the bottom of the screen.
In the first BioShock, plasmids were injected via needles. Vigors look like they can be taken as a liquid, which led me to think of alternate methods of 'injection' as depicted in the comic.
Not all superhuman powers are useful either. I'm sure there were just as many scrapped plasmid and vigor ideas than fish in a school. This could become a reoccurring segment:
The Annals of Failed Plasmids/Vigors
The game looked great since early footage was available. I think I'll have to suffer a dent in the wallet to pick this bad-boy up.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Gears of War: Judgement...No Lawyers Please
Gears of War Judgment released on Tuesday. I've played the trilogy already and enjoy doing some chainsawing with a buddy.
My funds have told me that I can't have the game...yet. That's been the case this year since I'm still looking for work.
I was able to check out IGN's single player play-through of the start of the game. That's where the inspiration for the comic came from.
The Ace Attorney games hold a nice little residence in my heart, and every time I hear reference of court rooms or lawyers in a video game, I instantly think of Phoenix Wright.
Mr. Wright probably wouldn't be able to hold his own on Sera, especially after emergence day. He might object to that though.
The gameplay I watched for Judgment looks like a Gears game. The weapon switch has been mapped to the Y button, but that shouldn't take too long to get used to. I do like how the difficulty modifiers take the form of classified/redacted statements in the characters testimony; that's definitely a creative approach to the narrative.
The game looks fun. Hopefully I can get a copy soon.
ace attorney,
gears of war,
hold it,
phoenix wright,
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Warped Pipes!
Decided to stick with a classic today since I put off brainstorming games for the strip. Not to mention my computer's graphics card froze while I was outlining (set me back two hours).
The first panel could be reworked now that I look at it, but I love the second panel. Might have to place that somewhere...
Friday, March 15, 2013
Battlefield 3: End Game
So there's a new planes only mode in the Battlefield 3: End Game DLC.
I haven't played the game, but I heard there's some crazy shit you can do in that game. Now if they added some inspired skins, then things could get pretty hairy...literally.
Never been that big on the first person shooter genre, but this game looks crazy. After checking out some gameplay and seeing this new DLC, I might just have to go pick up a copy.
I know this scene has been parodied hundreds of times, but that gremlin episode of The Twilight Zone was great (despite that lame costume).
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Achievement Hunter: Dead Space 3 Teamwork Contest submission
How about some bonus artwork for you?
This is my submission for Achievement Hunter's Dead Space 3 Teamwork Contest.
The picture took about four hours from concept to finished product. I hope you enjoy.
This is my submission for Achievement Hunter's Dead Space 3 Teamwork Contest.
The picture took about four hours from concept to finished product. I hope you enjoy.
achievement hunter,
dead space,
rooster teeth,
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Happy Wars
If you own an Xbox 360 and haven't downloaded Happy Wars from the Xbox Live Arcade, I recommend doing that now. Happy Wars is free to play, but as with all free to play games you can give yourself a boost with some micro-transactions.
I felt this comic fitting since the game has just recently reached TWO-MILLION players. That's a pretty big milestone.
I downloaded the game when it first was available late last year and enjoyed it for the most part. There was a problem back then though.
It was difficult getting in to matches and often I'd get dropped mid-match.
Apparently the match making system has been improved since then, so I'll have to dive back into the game to see what all the new updates are about.
There's a leveling system with this game, so new players will have it pretty rough at the beginning. What's nice is that matches can get as large as 15 vs. 15 PVP; potentially 30 live competitors with the remaining slots being filled with AI.
There is a single player campaign, but the game is driven by it's multiplayer.
And if competitive gaming isn't your thing, there's also a cooperative mode that has you team up with at least three other players to face off against the CPU.
There's also some new special modes with the recent update and level caps have been increased for weapons.
Word of warning. Watch out for bridges.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Assassin's Creed with Krakens
It's no surprise I'm excited for Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. I can't wait to see how the whole pirate lifestyle is implemented. Hopefully we'll get to witness some of those legends of the seven seas...that might just be wishful thinking.
This comic probably took the longest to draw to this day. I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome and I'm learning a lot on Photoshop the more I draw.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
New Deadpool: The Game Trialer
A new Deadpool: The Game trailer released today.
As a big Marvel fan, I'm really excited about this game. I didn't really know too much about Deadpool until Marvel Ultimate Alliance; I'm more of a Spider-Man fan.
The game looks great. A lot has improved since the first trailer; as far as in-game graphics go.
The game looks like it might play like a Devil May Cry game (at least that's what I would think after the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 comparisons).
Fourth-wall breakdowns by Deadpool are iconic of the character and it looks to be on point in the trailer. Part of Deadpool's "character traits" is that he thinks he is a character in a comic book, so it's natural that he believes himself to be in a video game in his video game.
It better have an M-rating by the end of production. Right now it's still RP but it's looking like the M will come eventually. I wonder if it will get a release in Australia.
As a big Marvel fan, I'm really excited about this game. I didn't really know too much about Deadpool until Marvel Ultimate Alliance; I'm more of a Spider-Man fan.
The game looks great. A lot has improved since the first trailer; as far as in-game graphics go.
The game looks like it might play like a Devil May Cry game (at least that's what I would think after the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 comparisons).
Fourth-wall breakdowns by Deadpool are iconic of the character and it looks to be on point in the trailer. Part of Deadpool's "character traits" is that he thinks he is a character in a comic book, so it's natural that he believes himself to be in a video game in his video game.
It better have an M-rating by the end of production. Right now it's still RP but it's looking like the M will come eventually. I wonder if it will get a release in Australia.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Doesn't look like actual game play, but the trailer for the new Assassin's Creed game has me interested.
Glad to see that naval missions will be returning for the next installment.
The setting looks amazing. I'm predicting some kind of island hopping game play and the ocean will act as the larger over world similar to the frontier in Assassin's Creed 3.
Speaking of "worlds," who will be the next Desmond Miles character. There was reference given at the end of the last game, but no information was revealed on who the next team is. Maybe we haven't seen the end of Desmond's team.
All that will be answered October 29, 2013 when the game gets released.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Dead Space Meets Skyrim
It's been a couple weeks since Dead Space 3 came out. The demo was fun but didn't feel like Dead Space; survival horror. I enjoyed it, but I can't buy it...yet.
I never really played more than 15 minutes of the series, so I borrowed the first Dead Space from a friend of mine. Now I remember how crucial stomping on things is, especially boxes.
I'm serious. I stomp everything in that game.
This skill could be greatly used in other games.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is a thing; now officially thanks to Ubisoft. New game, new hero and new setting.
![]() |
Released image of the next Assassin's Creed. |
You can bet I'll be getting this game on release day. It's one of the IPs that I've bought every game in the series (except for the handheld iterations).
Some other great news. Chris Cooper has signed on to play Norman Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. He joins Jamie Foxx and Paul Giamatti as villains in the movie (Electro and the Rhino, respectively).
Whether Cooper will be donning the green tights (or skin) has yet to be revealed. What has been revealed is the new suit.
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The new spidey suit. |
May 2, 2014 is the scheduled release day. So mark your calendars.
Friday, February 22, 2013
PlayStation 4 - Imagination vs. Reality
The PlayStation 4.
That's the big news of the week. It's only fitting that I say something about it, in some capacity. If you haven't already done so, Sony's PlayStation 4 meeting video is included for your viewing pleasure.
OK, so it's not really about the PS4, it's more like a Sony mission statement. It's still pretty cool to take a look back at some of the old PlayStation games and to see how far video games have come. Go ahead and take a look at some of the confirmed titles for the new console. Bungie's newest series, Destiny, catches my eye the most.
And did you see Diablo III?
That one is a bit interesting. Could we possibly see more typically PC centered games show up on consoles in the near future. Maybe a console version of World of Warcraft. All I can say is WoW!
Now we just have to wait for Microsoft's response.
Oh yeah, don't forget to do your taxes and keep up your school work.
This was a PS4 PSA.
diablo 3,
offline comic,
playstation 4,
tax season,
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Legend of Zelda - Boomerangs in Real Life
I was always amazed at the trajectory Link was able to throw the boomerang in The Legend of Zelda games. In the early days it started as just a straight line and evolved into crazy loops in the current games.
Throwing a boomerang is a lot harder than it seems, especially the traditional ones present in Legend of Zelda games. Typically they have to be thrown at an upwards angle, otherwise they'll just land in the dirt and you have to go pick it up like poor Link is doing above.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Mega Man
Mega Man, my favorite video game series. It all started as a kid when I played Mega Man X on my cousin's SNES. I wasn't very good at the games then; I could only beat Chill Penguin and Storm Eagle at that time. It took me years later to learn about the secret Hadouken.
I think egoraptor sums it up best in this installation of Sequelitis.
The comic deals more with the frustrations of the NES games. Enemies spawned almost every step and would always come back even if you backed up just a bit. It's a good way to farm health and energy, but it sucks when it's happening because you keep getting knocked back by hits.
The series is still great. It's a bit of a bummer the Keiji Inafune left Capcom and us fans haven't been able to get a new edition to any of the series (remember the Mega Man Legends 3 rumor and Mega Man Universe?).
Here's to you Blue Bomber!
Friday, February 8, 2013
The Extra - Halo
This is my first venture into the world of online comics. It's something I've always wanted to do but haven't really had the time for.
My inspiration came from the guys over at penny-arcade, whom I had the pleasure to meet when they were down in SoCal doing a book signing tour a few years back.
I've been a fan of there's since the early days and have read every comic at least once. Some other comics I enjoy are PVP, Perry Bible Fellowship, Garfield Minus Garfield, Cyanide and Happiness and Hipster Hitler.
Eventually I'd like to animate these into cartoons, but I think I'll stick with these simple one page comics for the meantime (never realized the shit-ton of time it takes to make one of these).
The plan is one new comic per week. If I can get enough interest then I'd like to create my own site dedicated to the comic and other musings I'll surely have.
I'd appreciate any feedback and am looking forward to continuing this expedition.
Expect a lot of video game themed comics.
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